Sunday, October 18, 2009

1st shot- 6:38- Time noted accurately by my mind. (unexplained variations not included)
2nd shot-6:54 (-4)- i was lagging behind time here(actual time was 6:58). Reason could be i wasted it while performing unknown and unnecessary activities. (but is this right?)
3rd shot-7:22 (+4)- i (mind) learnt from my mistake earlier and my mind automatically increased by 4 min while calculating this time. unfortunately it was wrong because 2nd shot results were accurate but i took it it? (what i(not intentionally) did here i toned my mind..)
4th shot-7:32 second time accurately noted
5th shot- yet to play till 8 shots..

mathematics-I always believe in numbers. the logics, equations leads to reason...
but after many years i came to know that what truly is logic who really decide reason- my question taken me through the physical, meta physical, illusionary, spiritual to the core of everything and back.

i have made most important discovery of my life it's only in the mysterious equation of love from which any logic can be found.

The only thing greater than power of mind is courage of heart.

Dr. JOHN NASH and me......

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why Indian engineering marvel- RELIANCE KG basin gas exploration is in talks due to many reasons since commisioning production?


As the name implies, this refers to the area broadly enclosed by the deltaic basins of the two major rivers in Andhra Pradesh Krishna and Godavari. It includes part of the Bay of Bengal into which these rivers drain.

The area has been identified as one of India's biggest oil and gas fields, several times the size of Bombay High.

How is Reliance Industries involved in the KG basin?

Under the government's New Exploration and Licensing Policy (NELP), various blocks in identified oil and gas fields were offered to private operators on lease for exploration and production. RIL won the bids for 12 such blocks in the KG basin in 2000.

Under the NELP, private operators sign a production sharing contract (PSC) with the government, which sets out the terms and conditions under which they operate their lease, including the share of revenues that would accrue to the government.

Creation of a MARVEL!!!!

This is KG-D6, the deepwater block in the Bay of Bengal, which has the potential of reducing India’s fuel import bill by 20% or Rs 55,000 crore. Seven years ago, in 2002, Reliance made the largest gas discovery here. This gas field can produce 550,000 barrels of oil equivalent or nearly 40% of India’s current oil and gas production. Spread across 330 square kilometres, the reservoir of KG-D6 is located 2 kilometres below seabed, which is another 1.2 kilometres below sea-level, far too deep for humans to access.So, almost straight out of a sci-fi movie, high precision operations are carried out by robots. A single mistake, as simple as that of a screw or a valve being ill-fitted, can result in a loss of billions of dollars. While Reliance has won kudos from the world’s E&P industry, the commissioning production in six and a half years from the time of discovery versus the average of nine years and at a cost that is the third lowest in the world.

What RIL/RNRL/NTPC fuzz is all about?

How is the Anil Ambani group involved (RNRL)?

In 2003 RIL announced that group company Reliance Energy Ltd (REL) would be setting up a gas-based power plant at Dadri in western Uttar Pradesh for which gas would supplied from RIL's KG basin production.

In 2005, however, the group broke up with each brother acquiring control of different business areas. While the oil and gas business went to elder brother Mukesh, Anil had control of the power business.

What is the MoU often referred to?

In 2005, RNRL and RIL signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the terms under which gas would be supplied for the Dadri project . This MoU specified that the price at which the gas would be supplied would be the same as the price at which RIL would supply gas to an NTPC project. NTPC had invited global bids for supply of gas in 2003 and RIL finally won the bid and was issued a letter of intent by NTPC in June 2004 but the contract was yet to finallised?

Now, RIL argues that the $2.34 per unit price is not applicable to its deal with RNRL for various reasons.

First, gas prices had since the 2005 MOU risen sharply and as well as exploration cost due to escalation cost due to high renting charges of deep water rigs and many other factors..

Second, it has not concluded a deal with NTPC on that price so that there is no price to follow.

Third, it says under the PSC signed with the government, the government has the final say on the price at which it can sell gas to third parties and in fact can even dictate to whom the gas should be sold.

RNRL tried to intervened in RIL-NTPC case-

RNRL supplies at USD 2.34 price depends on NTPC case....

After making such hue and cry by RNRL,
NTPC had moved the Bombay High Court seeking 12 mmscmd gas from RIL, which had emerged winner in a global competitive bid quoting a price of USD 2.34 per mmBtu

NTPC moved the Supreme Court on 5th September2009, challenging a Bombay High Court decision that allowed RIL to amend its petition on the gas dispute citing the government’s pricing policy.

As per the PSC, the valuation should be done on the basis of Government approved formula/price. According to Government approved formula, the price of KG D-6 gas should be $4.2 per mmbtu. Therefore, Argument of valuating at $2.34 per mmbtu itself nullifies. As far NTPC price is concerned, it has never been approved by the Government and was not a "concluded contract".

New deal-

Sep. 25, 2009- NTPC signed a pact with Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries to buy a part of natural gas allocated to it from K-G D6 fields at a rate of USD 4.2 per mmBtu. NTPC will buy 0.61 million metric standard cubic meters of gas a day for its plant in Anta in Rajasthan.

Private disputes over National property?

The most significant aspect of the recent Bombay High Court ruling on the sharing of gas from the KG basin between RIL and Reliance Natural Resources Ltd (RNRL) is that the judges completely refrained from making any value judgement on the government’s formal claim before the court that “the Appellant and Respondent cannot settle between themselves how gas, which is a national asset, to be utilised for the welfare of the nation, is to be distributed..

Will India afford to let lower natural gas price of $2.34 per mmBtu prevail as the rate will hinder development of a natural gas industry in the country??

open for discussion...........

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Basic confusion about hell and heaven....
one of my sweet good friend quoted this" Hell is not hell when u accept it "
sounds good it not?
but is it valid?
can we change hell while accepting hell?
yes we can....if you start enjoying hell which is hell according to you..
if u start enjoying it will become a heaven for you....right....
this is something my friend means..
now go more deep in to it..

first i would like to say there is nothing like hell and heaven exists anywhere in this universe but you can still enjoy the both. this

second if even it exists by accepting or rejecting hell or heaven is not the right way to live life coz something is still inside u (hell)...
u are just running far from it..

third ny place(situation) in d world or universe can be hell if u dn't accept n heaven if u accept the place.. so it's a matter of accepting place n making it heaven rather than accepting hell or heaven..

it always better to think that whatever you have got it...u deserve this way u can make ur place (place of thinking, soul, physical body, etc.) heaven rather than thinking to change hell in to heaven..

Monday, May 18, 2009

internal and external engineering



  “Fringe Spirituality and commerce” (internal and external engineering)

Commerce or say to be economics have been trying for economic wellbeing since from many centuries but they find it’s still not working somewhere. So there is an urge rises for spirituality but they may not be totally out for hardcore spirituality. So they are looking for fringe spirituality (spirituality candles, aggarbati, bath soap).

External engineering- For example- when our body doesn’t like external temperature (hot or cold) then we switched on the fan or a/c or heater etc. This is external engineering. Isn’t it?

Our grandparents used to live without fans even without electricity. But now we can’t (generally).so what happened? Just think about the human nature in case of external engineering.

Internal engineering- it’s also a technology not a belief like external technology. It is not just a philosophy or belief system. This technology provides you inner climate the way you want it.

Here we started performing rituals via different routes (masjids,mandir,mosque,gurudwara,etc.)

Since many centuries we made our self addicted to all this technologies as we can’t feel good without fan same in the case of all these path showers.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

DETERMINATION OF RIGHT PRICE( think about business involved in it)

This is a major responsibility of the purchasing group.many factors influences what is a "right price" and, again comprehensible discussion is hardly possible.In a broad sense ,a right price is one that is "right" for all concerened- the purchaser,vendor,buyer's customer,public.

In the past the way to avoid the price increases that Forrester and Gartner are initiating on a regular basis would be to use the usual purchasing best practices. These include waiting until the last minute before the end of the quarter or better yet end of the fiscal year to finalize a contract, playing one firm off another, signing up for a multi-year contract, and consolidating purchases to obtain a larger discount.

Alas, these techniques are not as effective now with Forrester and Gartner as they were in the past.

While there are hundreds of analyst firms, with some large ones like AMR Research and IDC, the unfortunate reality is that when it comes to the market for end-user advisory analysts, Forrester and Gartner have achieved a de facto duopoly. Because the market for their services is so underpenetrated, neither firm has to compete on price to grow revenues, clients, and market share.   Therefore they can concentrate on improving margins while growing revenues by expanding their sales forces. It is a very cozy duopoly. To date there have been no serious contenders to the Big 2 as replacements for the acquired Giga and META. As long as firm executives continue to impose pricing and discounting discipline on their sales forces the opportunity to negotiate a better price with the Big 2 is limited. Gartner has been especially disciplined, using a “Bloomberg model” of a price for the first seat, a slight discount for the second seat and no incremental increase in discounts after the second seat regardless of volume. So while it is still possible to negotiate on price, the opportunity is not as great as in the past.

The best way to get the right price for the analysts services you require is not to put all your effort into trying to whittle down Gartner’s or Forrester’s price. Rather, the approach for getting the right price is to get the right service from the right firm as laid out in parts 3 and 4 of this series (see below for links). By not falling into the trap of buying the most expensive services from Forrester or Gartner, you can still get the right price.

Monday, March 16, 2009


 First i would like to do briefing about LI’s coupla model (risk management model) and why it failed?

In laymen language, it deals with how much risk is involved while giving any loans or a package of mortgages (started by investment bankers).

This formula is mostly used by all major giant banks and investment companies of world.  Actually what happened is like this when bankers started buying mortgage bonds or so called package of mortgages (mortgage pools) from external companies. They used coupla’s formula which is generally for risk mapping involves in any particular loan but they used for group of loans (here the problem rose).

 Mortgage pools are not as simple as most bonds. There's no guaranteed interest rate, since the amount of money homeowners collectively pay back every month is a function of how many have refinanced and how many have defaulted. There's certainly no fixed maturity date: Money shows up in irregular chunks as people pay down their mortgages at unpredictable times—for instance, when they decide to sell their house. And most problematic, there's no easy way to assign a single probability to the chance of default. All of this makes it much more difficult to calculate risk on mortgage pools and CDOs than on conventional bonds or old-fashioned home loans.

Wall Street "solved" many of these problems through a process called tranching, which divides a pool and allows for the creation of safe bonds with a risk-free triple-A credit rating. Investors in the first tranche, or slice, are first in line to be paid off. Those next in line might get only a double-A credit rating on their tranche of bonds but will be able to charge a higher interest rate for bearing the slightly higher chance of default. And so on.

They took some assumptions-

First was that one loan is not related to others. If one party does not repay the loan then it does not mean that others will also not pay (even in same category).

Second - risk probabilities are may be different for different kind of lenders but we can calculate an average for all (biggest flaw).

Initially this formula was working well because external factors like growth rate n employment which are basically sources of revenues of lenders were doing well. But at last when eventually these externalities stopped helping out, so consequentially realty or flaw of this formula came out.

The CDOs, based on Li's Copula function and created and traded on Wall street, now account for most of the toxic assets that have turned shares of major banks like Citicorp into penny stocks.


So what is the solution?

Do we have to go back to conventional banking only?

Do we have any another way rather than stop giving loans to sub-prime lenders?

Now i would like to divide this discussion into two parts-

Small lenders and mid class lenders-

By former i mean lenders which generally lend very small amount of loans and may or may not able to payback.

So the solution to insure that they will repay back is grammen banking model (which i have recently studied) or micro finance companies based on trust and lender’s responsibility. They are having unbelievable repayment rate (95-99%). They have to repay their loan from basic salary only which is not basically hiked up due to undue growth in any sector.

So it makes easier for them to repay loan even in financial crisis. On the another way around crisis would not affect much their income.

Other factor- their total loan amount is not that much big that it would lead to liquidity crisis.

Now come to second part mid class lenders-

In this case expectations are high. They are able to take bigger amount of loans than small lenders because of undue advantage of recently hiked in salaries. But what will happen when these sources will not help them out to repay---- REPOSSESSIONS--- FINANCIAL CRISIS----ETC...

How to save or how to manage?

Open for discussion....

Pass your comment it will make your mind work..

Say anything which comes to your mind kya pta that would be a best solution...



Tuesday, March 10, 2009


AIRLINE                 PUNCHLINE

Austrian Airlines            The most friendly airlines

Cathay Pacific                The heart of Asia

Indian Airlines                Your home in the sky

Singapore Airlines          A great way to fly

Lufthansa                         There is no better way to fly

Jet Airways                      The joy of flying

Air Sahara                        Emotionally yours

Thai Airways                   Smooth as silk

Sri Lankan Airlines         You are our world

British Airlines               It‘s time to change the way you look at things

Friday, March 6, 2009

why crisis comes in to existence??
first problem- mathematical error
because we generally assume that 9.9999 = 10 or as we know that mathematical its possible to prove in this way..
x= 9.9999
10 x=99.9999
9x= 90

mathematical flaw...

so this small flaw can be a reason of crisis because when we neglect this flaw and think that there is no need to consider .ooooooooooooo1(aprrox.)(again its a flaw). but when dealing becomes hefty then this small approximations does matter. let's say we are dealing in 100 trillions of rupees. if we don't consider this then u can loss some millions.....

so it does matter..
look at this one..( from economics point of view what i have  researched till now)


The market rate of return on the 4.25% govt. bond maturing on 7 March 2036 is currently 3.81% per annum. Let's assume that this can be broken down into a real rate of exactly 2% and an inflation premium of 1.775% (no premium for risk, as government bond is considered to be "risk-free"):

1.02 x 1.01775 = 1.0381

you can ignore the third term (0.02 x 0.01775 = 0.00035 or 0.035%) and just call the nominal rate of return 3.775%, on the grounds that that is almost the same as 3.81%.

nominal rate= real rate + inflation

3.775= 2+1.775

At a nominal rate of return of 3.81% pa, the value of the bond is rs.107.84 per 100 nominal. At a rate of return of 3.775% pa, the value is rs.108.50 per 100 nominal, or 66p more.

The average size of actual transactions in this bond in the market in the final quarter of 2007 was rs. 400 million. So a difference in price of 66p per 100 translates into a difference of 26,40,000 per deal.

on more problem is we have taken lots of assumption n approximations..

so second problem is which variables we have to take as decison variables.( others will be left as constant).

if we take CAPM model, look it carefully which says that-

cost of capital = rf + b(km - rf) ( sorry if there is any problem in formaulla, does not matter)

 linear equation based risk engeering model..

which means if marketing returns increase i.e. km then cost of capital also increase which means expectation also increase. so it means continous growth.. if we consider stock market then it will move like 10 k to 12 k in one month then 12k - 14 k and so on... but is it really possible... think logically

so can we make a prefect model on nonlinear basis??

 no we can never make a prefect model but we can make a good model which better directs banks , investment companies even to governments... 

first we have to indentify all the factors which are important..

that's what we discussed in class...

but think one step ahead..

while creating models, did economists, reseach engineers nvr thought abt imp. variables...

yes they did...( they are not as fool as we are thinking)

but wot's the problem??

"dynamic environment" 

acc. to change in environment we have to make changes in models, again is it possible ansd up to wot extent..( kehna assan hota hai yarr) but if u have a passion then u can do it..

make a model for SEBI which will make sensex, nifty less riskier then foriegn markets... is it possible???

dn't have enough time to write more in bad english...

 so think yourself

(play with psychology)

let me think...

Monday, March 2, 2009

How to decide curiculum for b-school in this dynamic world???

One of the questions that we face now in
business education is, to what extent should we
encourage researchers and students to work with
practice—corporate involvement and case
I have a simple picture of university education. I
think what you do is get the brightest, smartest,
most discipline-trained people you can get and
you tell them to teach what they think is important
and interesting. And the curriculum consists of the
collection that turns out as a result of that. My
sense is that different good teachers use different
methods. Some of them use cases, some of them
use models, some use field work, some use equations.
And the good ones are scattered all over that
map. And any time you try to make a principle of
doing one or the other, you are almost certainly
wrong. In my “dream business school” there would
be a collection of good scholars, and they would be
the teachers, and what they taught would be the
curriculum. Whatever that would be. If they are
really teachers, they would want to teach what
they genuinely thought these students should

Monday, February 9, 2009

DIANETICS......must learn

this is imaging guyz....
for those who never fully recovered from serious loss in life.....
in day to day life every experience, touch, emotion, feeling, smell,sound,pain, taste etc effects our behaviour..
our past experiences are effecting our present and both past and present gonna effect future..
so what should we do???
to remove or soothing the negative effect on rational decision...

dianetics is a solution...
wot actually dianetics is?
whatever i felt or experienced, dianetics is something which changes your negative experiences to positive by artificial intelligence or simply remove that experience from your mind (unconscious mind, which effects most of the rational decisions)...
dianetics also take a help of hypnotism and spirituality...

i experienced it but i m not able to pen down..
how actually to use dianetics...
so its your work guyz n galz to give me some favour n pls comment on it....

try to think , think , think to try , try......
you will definitely be benefited by this..

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ask questions your self.....

Why an apple falls on the ground ? This very question made Newton a great Scientist. Otherwise there would be no Newton. The existence of science and philosophy is the outcome of questions. Buddha left home to get the answer of the questions: How to get freedom from suffering? This Question forces you to search for a reply.

It is not the events that shape our lives, that determine how we feel and act, but rather it is the way we interpret and evaluate our life experience. Interpretation and evaluation are based upon questions what we put to our selves. The meaning we attach to an event will determine our attitude.

I began to realize that thinking itself is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions that matter.

Questions represent your mind, your thought process and your level of thinking. Questions come from your situational reactions. Questions are basic. They indicate your thinking. They reflect your mental make up, your programming and your perceptions.

Relationship Between
Questions and Your Success

Know your problem and ask the right question. You will have your own solutions. Sometime, the solution lies in the problem itself. It is not far from the question. It is in the hearts of problems. Questions are the compass, they guide your directions. They give you the purpose of living. They create interest in your lives.

Sometime “Why” of some questions are dis empowering. The answers of these questions depress you and discourage you. Your mind being enormously powerful can find many reasons for your failure or problems. Most of these reasons will continue and justify future failures. In this way vicious circles of failure continue. When you ask why I am unlucky, why God is against me, why the whole world is against me . Then your whole feelings and behaviour will be against success. So you must not ask such negative questions. Questions should not be connected with the past. They should be connected with good actions to do now or in future.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Is There Room for Emotions in the Workplace?

Is There Room for Emotions in the Workplace?

On Feb. 4, the eve of the Super Tuesday primaries, Sen. Hillary Clinton had an emotional moment. The fact that her "teary moment" made headlines and caused a media outcry highlighted a common double standard professional women face: how the display of emotion can be perceived as an indicator of the incapacity for leadership; don't show emotion and be rejected as unfeminine. Communication and organization experts at Emory University and its Goizueta Business School explore the role of women and emotion in the workplace and note that for future generations, many of the stereotypes may no longer be a factor.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Is Wallmart good for America?

Consumer (customer) prospective- WALLMART providing consumer goods at lower prices if we compare to other stores...... so it’s good ...... consumers are saving out from their daily consumption needs and investing more...

Manufacturer prospective- lot of companies shut down their operations and auctioned off because they were totally dependent on wallmart like rubbermate. Because wallmart is screwing up all the companies for low prices and companies are not able to survive but wallmart has other options like chinese it’s bad.....

Economy as a whole- wallmart is importing 80% of goods. It leads to high trade deficit in recent years. It’s bad. wallmart is creating lot of job opportunities in America but at lower wages. So again, it’s not so good.

So what is good in wallmart???

Wallmart is gaining power over all of their suppliers. First wallmart screwed it up lot of the American companies by this power and now what??

Is wallmart able to use this power on Chinese suppliers to screw it up?

If no, then what will happen to wallmart and america, if Chinese companies also entered in to retail field?

(They already got American technology and following American systems to work)

If yes, then who else will supply goods to wallmart?

Two ways possible-

1) Internal competition in china....( restrictions are government of china won’t let it happen like this)

2) Try to explore countries like india and others.....( do Indian companies have a potential to compete china)

Now come to india point-

If wallmart entered in to india then how india will be effected?

First indian industries which are not able to compete with Chinese products, they will not survive. Second india industries who have potential to compete, they will get benefitted..

But are Indian companies really having that potential right now??

I don’t think so.

May be in some areas like automobile parts, tyres , software services, outsourcing works. We are doing good. But it doesn’t mean that we will also do well in manufacturing of consumer goods because Chinese are far ahead from us in technology etc. we have opportunity but difficult to tap....

So what should we have to do??

Either be a retailer or manufacturer??

So let’s start comment on it....

its really very interesting.....

where your "knowing mind" lies????

if you think it's inside your body then...

if your knowing mind was really in your body, you
should first be clear about everything inside it. You should,
therefore, see everything in your body before seeing things
outside it; even if you cannot see your heart, liver, spleen,
and stomach, at least you should be clear about your growing
nails and hair, about that which moves along your nerves
and the pulsing of your veins. Why are you not clear about
all this? If you do not see things within, how can you see
those outside? Therefore, your contention that your knowing
mind is inside your body is groundless.’

if now you think that your mind is really OUTSIDE
your body. For instance a lamp should light up everything
in a room before the courtyard outside through the open
door. If you do not see what is in your body but see things outside
it, this is like a lamp placed outside a room which cannot light
what is in it. This being so clear that there can be no doubt,
are you still wrong aacc. to Buddha?’


‘If your knowing mind is outside
your body, the two are separate. Thus when your mind
knows something, your body should not feel it and when
your body feels something, your mind should not be aware
of it.
Now if i show you my hand, when your eyes see it,
does your mind discern it?’
if yes then, how can your mind be outside
your body? Therefore, your contention that your knowing
and discerning mind is outside your body is groundless.’

now if you think that the SUBSTANCE of
(your) thinking is the nature of mind which arises when it
unites with externals and which is neither within nor without
nor in between then
If the
mind has substance, when your hand grasps your body,
does your mind feeling this (touch) come from within or without?
If from within, you should see what is in your body and
if from without, you should see your face.’

so think about it and pls. comment on it....
hope so we will reach on some firm conclusion.......

Friday, January 9, 2009

When Will the Bailout Bubble Burst?

The only bull market these days is in bailouts. But that one
will burst soon enough.

The bull market is over, but the bailout craze is running at “fever pitch.” In less than a month, the Federal government moved to issue a trillion dollars in U.S. Treasuries to back bailout loans; took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as the world’s largest insurance company, American International Group (AIG); and banned short selling on financial and other stocks. As these pages discussed last month, it won’t work.

~ October 2008 Elliott Wave Financial Forecast

You should not miss the latest Elliott Wave Financial Forecast, published in the midst of the biggest financial bailout plan in history. In it, you’ll discover:

  • The facts and evidence showing that the markets do not and are not waiting for government help; they’re moving on without it.
  • The bailouts and short-selling ban: why both of these badly misguided interventions are already backfiring.
  • Why the government will never be able to achieve the goal it desires most in this crisis: namely, to "prop up confidence."
  • What President Bush said that made us do a “double-take” (hint: we look back to Bob Prechter’s Conquer the Crash as our reference).
  • What wave structures in the DJIA and Nasdaq say for near- and intermediate-term price action.
  • Why the government is the ultimate indicator of crowd psychology.
  • The inevitable future of the credit default swaps (CDS) market.
  • What the U.S. bailout puppet masters could learn from the Japanese.
  • Important observations about still-hopeful investor optimism.
  • The important distinction between getting a return on your money vs. getting a return of your money.
  • The important resistance level to watch in silver.
  • Poignant notes on the economy, deflation and cultural trends.

Friday, January 2, 2009

difference between american and british spelling

American Spelling British Spelling
acknowledgment acknowledgement
catalog catalogue
check cheque
color colour
favor favour
hemoglobin haemoglobin
humor humour
installment instalment
jewelry jewellery
judgment judgement
labor labour
meter metre
neighbor neighbour
pajama pyjama
parlor parlour
program programme
rumor rumour
theater theatre

Thursday, January 1, 2009

customer care service" aisa bhi hota hai"

This is a real story happened between the customer of General Motors and its customer-care executive.

A complaint was received by the Pontiac Division of General Motors:

This is the second time I have written to you, and I don't blame you for not answering me, because I sounded crazy, but it is a fact that we have a tradition in our family of ice cream for dessert after dinner each night. But the kind of ice cream varies so, every night, after we've eaten, the whole family votes on which kind of ice cream we should have and I drive down to the store to get it. It's also a fact that I recently purchased a new Pontiac and since then my trips to the store have created a problem. You see, every time I buy a vanilla ice cream, when I start back from the store my car won't start. If I get any other kind of ice cream, the car starts just fine.

I want you to know I'm serious about this question, no matter how silly it sounds: "What is there about a Pontiac that makes it not start when I get vanilla ice cream, and easy to start whenever I get any other kind?"

The Pontiac President was understandably skeptical about the letter, but sent an engineer to check it out anyway. The latter was surprised to be greeted by a successful, obviously well educated man in a fine neighborhood.

He had arranged to meet the man just after dinner time, so the two hopped into the car and drove to the ice cream store. It was vanilla ice cream that night and, sure enough, after they came back to the car, it wouldn't start. The engineer returned for three more nights.
The first night, they got chocolate. The car started. The second night, he got strawberry. The car started. The third night he ordered vanilla. The car failed to start. Now the engineer, being a logical man, refused to believe that this man's car was allergic to vanilla ice cream.

He arranged, therefore, to continue his visits for as long as it took to solve the problem. And toward this end he began to take notes: he jotted down all sorts of data: time of day, type of gas uses, time to drive back and forth etc. In a short time, he had a clue: the man took less time to buy vanilla than any other flavor. Why? The answer was in the layout of the store. Vanilla, being the most popular flavor, was in a separate case at the front of the store for quick pickup. All the other flavors were kept in the back of the store at a different counter where it took considerably longer to check out the flavor. Now, the question for the engineer was why the car wouldn't start when it took less time.

Once time became problem - not the vanilla ice cream, the engineer quickly came up with the answer: "Vapor lock". It was happening every night; but the extra time taken to get the other flavors allowed the engine to cool down sufficiently to start. When the man got vanilla, the engine was still too hot for the vapor lock to dissipate.

Remember: Even crazy looking problems are sometimes real and all problems seem to be simple only when we find the solution with a cool thinking.

Don't just say its "IMPOSSIBLE" without putting a sincere effort...

Observe the word "IMPOSSIBLE" carefully... You can see "I'MPOSSIBLE" ...

What really matter is your attitude and your perception

"Don't cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won't let you see the stars."
