Friday, January 16, 2009

its really very interesting.....

where your "knowing mind" lies????

if you think it's inside your body then...

if your knowing mind was really in your body, you
should first be clear about everything inside it. You should,
therefore, see everything in your body before seeing things
outside it; even if you cannot see your heart, liver, spleen,
and stomach, at least you should be clear about your growing
nails and hair, about that which moves along your nerves
and the pulsing of your veins. Why are you not clear about
all this? If you do not see things within, how can you see
those outside? Therefore, your contention that your knowing
mind is inside your body is groundless.’

if now you think that your mind is really OUTSIDE
your body. For instance a lamp should light up everything
in a room before the courtyard outside through the open
door. If you do not see what is in your body but see things outside
it, this is like a lamp placed outside a room which cannot light
what is in it. This being so clear that there can be no doubt,
are you still wrong aacc. to Buddha?’


‘If your knowing mind is outside
your body, the two are separate. Thus when your mind
knows something, your body should not feel it and when
your body feels something, your mind should not be aware
of it.
Now if i show you my hand, when your eyes see it,
does your mind discern it?’
if yes then, how can your mind be outside
your body? Therefore, your contention that your knowing
and discerning mind is outside your body is groundless.’

now if you think that the SUBSTANCE of
(your) thinking is the nature of mind which arises when it
unites with externals and which is neither within nor without
nor in between then
If the
mind has substance, when your hand grasps your body,
does your mind feeling this (touch) come from within or without?
If from within, you should see what is in your body and
if from without, you should see your face.’

so think about it and pls. comment on it....
hope so we will reach on some firm conclusion.......

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