Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How the difference between 100% whole-hearted effort and 90% or 95% effort is HUGE (and not just 5% or 10%)

by one of my friend

Understanding this principle is crucial for your success.

Let me tell you about my own failure so that you don't make the same mistake and get big success (and hopefully send me a "thank you" letter/email (u can send it to me, i will forward to him)

In Pilani during my engineering education, I was among the high grade students. That was in all semesters except the last semester. What happened? Well, I thought, "I am very intelligent and smart and I will surely get admission with scholarship to at least 2 American universities and will go to USA." "And, since the admission to America does not depend on how well I do in the final semester, let me relax a bit. Let me not work hard to the 100% of my ability. Let me work only 90% or 95% as hard as I always worked".

With that thought process, when the results finally came, I scored about 6.5 grade points out of 10 (where as I was above 9 grade points out of 10 otherwise).

What's the lesson for you?

If you have a goal and if the goal is so important that you are really serious about achieving, willing to work hard and make sacrifices, then put in 100% effort. Don't be a lazy person thinking just 90% or 95% effort will be good enough.

I strongly recommend you consider using a mind machine to help you in your journey to achieve your goals with more certainty and less stress.

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