Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i got some more...(where the original names came from)


Dennis Ritchie improved on the B programming language and called it 'NewB'.He later called it C. Earlier B was created by Ken Thompson as a revision of the Bon programming language (named after his wife Bonnie).


Bjarne Stroustrup called his new language 'C with Classes' and then 'new C'. Because of which the original C began to be called 'old C' which was considered insulting to the C community. At this time Rick Mascitti suggested the name C++ as a successor to C.


A species of African antelope. Founder of the GNU project Richard Stallman liked the name because of the humor associated with its pronunciation and was also influenced by the children's song 'The Gnu Song' which is a song sung by a gnu. Also it fitted into the recursive acronym culture with 'GNU's Not Unix'.


Originally called Oak by creator James Gosling, from the tree that stood outside his window, the programming team had to look for a substitute as there was no other language with the same name. Java was selected from a list of suggestions. It came from the name of the coffee that the programmers drank.


Combination of two popular Korean brands Lucky and Goldstar.


Linus Torvalds originally used the Minix OS on his system which he replaced by his OS. Hence the working name was Linux (Linus' Minix). He thought the name to be too egotistical and planned to name it Freax (free+ freak + x). His friend Ari Lemmke encouraged Linus to upload it to a network so it could be easily downloaded. Ari gave Linus a directory called linux on his FTP server, as he did not like the name Freax. (Linus' parents named him after two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling).


When Marc Andreesen, founder of Netscape, created a browser to replace Mosaic (also developed by him), it was named Mozilla (Mosaic-Killer, Godzilla). The marketing guys didn't like the name however and it was re-christened Netscape Navigator.

Red Hat:

Company founder Marc Ewing was given the Cornell lacrosse team cap (with red and white stripes) while at college by his grandfather. He lost it and had to search for it desperately. The manual of the beta version of Red Hat Linux had an appeal to readers to return his Red Hat if found by anyone!


"Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing", formed by 4 ex-IBM employees who used to work in the Systems/ Applications/ Projects' group of IBM.


From Santa Cruz Operation. The company's office was in Santa Cruz.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mutual funds and my wife

Mutual funds and my wife

Yesterday i was reading a journal on mutual fund by value research named by mutual fund insight. That was all about how to make a right selection while investing in mutual funds. As per i am not a finance guy i thought that it would be bit difficult for me to understand but it was not like that. Selection of mutual funds is pretty same to selection of any other important thing in life.

I want to talk more about when to invest or how to take right decision at a right time than where to investment??

Just compare this situation with any other situation of your life. Take it in this way, as you are going to choose a life partner for yourself, or going to choose a company (sounds a good joke in this critical time).

When your all friends getting married or having a girlfriends with them. You started thinking about it. And finally when you get married or got committed with someone. You realised that it was a bad decision (not in all cases).because you do not have your own income resource or time for girlfriend, which your married friends have and unmarried friends who are totally free....

So do not invest if you do not have your own income and do not follow others if you do not anything about the way where it’s going.....

Second situation i want to put is when your family making pressure on you to get marry and you also started thinking that ,girl is so beautiful and do not miss this chance....

But after marriage, you realise that that was a just a chance, you would get more good opportunities after that (often happen in most of the cases).

In stock market when market (sensex) crash to 15000 level we thought that it’s a good chance to invest then at 12000 level and after that 10000 level but we found lots of more good opportunities after that even 8000 level 8000 level it touched.

But question here is how much time we have to wait, if we keep waiting for all the time we can never invest. So what should we do??

Here the question arises of how to take decision or when to invest??

Again come back to our life. You have to take decision for marriage. When you are not under any pressure, economically unstable and have sufficient back up for your future life.

Whenever you feel that you are in panic. Do not take any decision. Wait for some time to get things stable after that take decision. May be you will miss some opportunities to invest and get profits or a beautiful girl but less profits are always better than more profits with more risk ( general principle of mutual funds). At the end you will accumulate more with fewer profits.

By-nitten sethi (free thinker)

Comment on it pls.....

How the difference between 100% whole-hearted effort and 90% or 95% effort is HUGE (and not just 5% or 10%)

by one of my friend

Understanding this principle is crucial for your success.

Let me tell you about my own failure so that you don't make the same mistake and get big success (and hopefully send me a "thank you" letter/email (u can send it to me, i will forward to him)

In Pilani during my engineering education, I was among the high grade students. That was in all semesters except the last semester. What happened? Well, I thought, "I am very intelligent and smart and I will surely get admission with scholarship to at least 2 American universities and will go to USA." "And, since the admission to America does not depend on how well I do in the final semester, let me relax a bit. Let me not work hard to the 100% of my ability. Let me work only 90% or 95% as hard as I always worked".

With that thought process, when the results finally came, I scored about 6.5 grade points out of 10 (where as I was above 9 grade points out of 10 otherwise).

What's the lesson for you?

If you have a goal and if the goal is so important that you are really serious about achieving, willing to work hard and make sacrifices, then put in 100% effort. Don't be a lazy person thinking just 90% or 95% effort will be good enough.

I strongly recommend you consider using a mind machine to help you in your journey to achieve your goals with more certainty and less stress.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Where the original names came from ?? 2nd part

Hewlett Packard:

Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard tossed a coin to decide whether the company they founded would be called Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett.


Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore wanted to name their new company 'MooreNoyce' but that was already trademarked by a hotel chain so they had to settle for an acronym of INTegrated ELectronics.

Lotus (Notes): Mitch Kapor got the name for his company from 'The Lotus Position' or'Padmasana' .. Kapor used to be a teacher of transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.


Coined by Bill Gates to represent the company that was devoted to MICROcomputer SOFTware. Originally christened Micro-Soft, the '-' was removed later on.


Founder Paul Galvin came up with this name when his company started manufacturing radios for cars. The popular radio company at the time was called Victrola.


Larry Ellison and Bob Oats were working on a consulting project for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The code name for the project was called Oracle (the CIA saw this as the system to give answers to all questions or something such). The project was designed to help use the newly written SQL code by IBM. The project eventually was terminated but Larry and Bob decided to finish what they started and bring it to the world. They kept the name Oracle and created the RDBMS engine. Later they kept the same name for the company.


It originated from the Latin word 'sonus' meaning sound, and 'sonny' a slang used by Americans to refer to a bright youngster.

SUN: Founded by 4 Stanford University buddies, SUN is the acronym for Stanford University Network. Andreas Bechtolsheim built a microcomputer; Vinod Khosla recruited him and Scott McNealy to manufacture computers based on it, and Bill Joy to develop a UNIX-based OS for the computer.


It got its name because its founders got started by applying patches to code written for NCSA's httpd daemon. The result was 'A PAtCHy'server --thus, the name Apache Jakarta (project from Apache): A project constituted by SUN and Apache to create a web server handling servlets and JSPs. Jakarta was name of the conference room at SUN where most of the meetings between SUN and Apache took place.


The servlet part of the Jakarta project. Tomcat was the code name for the JSDK 2.1 project inside SUN.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Where the original names came from ????

Where the original names came from


This was actually financier's daughter's name.


This came from the name of the river Adobe Creek that ran behind the house of founder John Warnock.

Apple Computers:

It was the favourite fruit of founder Steve Jobbs. He was three months late for filing a name for the business, and he threatened to call his company Apple Computers if the other colleagues didn't suggest a better name by 5 o'clock.


It is not an acronym as popularly believed. Its short for San Francisco.


This name was formed by using COMp, for computer and PAQ to denote a small integral object.


The name was derived from the founder's name Dr. Michael Cowpland. It stands for COwpland Research Laboratory.


The name started as a joke boasting about the amount of information the search-engine would be able to search. It was originally named 'Googol’, a word for the number represented by 1 followed by 100 zeros. After founders - Stanford graduate students Sergey Brin and Larry Page presented their project to an angel investor; they received a cheque made out to 'Google'.


Founder Jack Smith got the idea of accessing e-mail via the web from a computer anywhere in the world. When Sabeer Bhatia came up with the business plan for the mail service, he tried all kinds of names ending in 'mail' and finally settled for hotmail as it included the letters "html" - the programming language used to write web pages. It was initially referred to as HoTMaiL with selective uppercasing.


"Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" with your right. (Bet you tried this out mentally, didn't you?)

No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.

"Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt". (Are you doubting this?)

Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

The sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet. (Now, you KNOW you're going to try this out for accuracy, right?)

The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes). (Yep, I knew you were going to "do" this


There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. (You're not doubting this, are you?)

There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious." (Yes, admit it, you are going to say. a e i o u)

TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. (All you typists are going
to test this out)

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds (Some days that's about what my memory span is)

A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.

A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.

A snail can sleep for three years. (I know some people that could do this too.)

Almonds are a member of the peach family.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

Babies are born without kneecaps They don't appear until
the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.

February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.
In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.

If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.

Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.

Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite!

Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.

The cruise liner, QE2, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns.

The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket. (Good thing he did that)

The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid.

There are more chickens than people in the world.

Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance.

Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

Now you know everything!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mind Programming Secrets
for Your Mega Success

To understand mind programming, let us consider how the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind work. The conscious mind is like a watchman and the sub-conscious mind is like a store-room. The watchman has no intelligence on his own. He behaves on the information in the store.

Conscious mind is like a watchman, and the sub-conscious mind is like a store-room. Mind programming means putting information into the store without the knowledge of the watchman.

Mind programming involves putting information in the store without the knowledge of the watchman.

Suppose you tell yourself that "you are good at study". And the store has stored other people's comments such as "you are stupid, you can not succeed". The watchman sees your sentences and compares it with the knowledge in its store and says "this information is wrong". The watchman throws this new information away. He does not put the new positive information in the store. This is the fundamental difficulty in changing behavior of a person.

For the first time in the history of humanity, there are now easily available powerful techniques that allow you to program your mind. All these techniques reach the sub-conscious mind and put information into it without the knowledge of the conscious mind.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

time management

The Most Important Time Management Secret That Nobody Teaches You

Let me show you below what a wise advertising great John Carlton says.

You work hard.

But you can be too lazy, too.

In fact, it's in our nature to be lazy. I often tell people that, if you really want to understand how the human race behaves, you must go watch the gorilla cage at the zoo for a week. At first, you'll just see a bunch of hairy apes doing their thing. But soon enough, you'll begin to recognize the many traits they share with us.

Such as... being as lazy as possible, as much as possible."

Here is one tactic that actually forces employees to get things done in offices: