Sunday, October 18, 2009

1st shot- 6:38- Time noted accurately by my mind. (unexplained variations not included)
2nd shot-6:54 (-4)- i was lagging behind time here(actual time was 6:58). Reason could be i wasted it while performing unknown and unnecessary activities. (but is this right?)
3rd shot-7:22 (+4)- i (mind) learnt from my mistake earlier and my mind automatically increased by 4 min while calculating this time. unfortunately it was wrong because 2nd shot results were accurate but i took it it? (what i(not intentionally) did here i toned my mind..)
4th shot-7:32 second time accurately noted
5th shot- yet to play till 8 shots..

mathematics-I always believe in numbers. the logics, equations leads to reason...
but after many years i came to know that what truly is logic who really decide reason- my question taken me through the physical, meta physical, illusionary, spiritual to the core of everything and back.

i have made most important discovery of my life it's only in the mysterious equation of love from which any logic can be found.

The only thing greater than power of mind is courage of heart.

Dr. JOHN NASH and me......