Monday, February 9, 2009

DIANETICS......must learn

this is imaging guyz....
for those who never fully recovered from serious loss in life.....
in day to day life every experience, touch, emotion, feeling, smell,sound,pain, taste etc effects our behaviour..
our past experiences are effecting our present and both past and present gonna effect future..
so what should we do???
to remove or soothing the negative effect on rational decision...

dianetics is a solution...
wot actually dianetics is?
whatever i felt or experienced, dianetics is something which changes your negative experiences to positive by artificial intelligence or simply remove that experience from your mind (unconscious mind, which effects most of the rational decisions)...
dianetics also take a help of hypnotism and spirituality...

i experienced it but i m not able to pen down..
how actually to use dianetics...
so its your work guyz n galz to give me some favour n pls comment on it....

try to think , think , think to try , try......
you will definitely be benefited by this..

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ask questions your self.....

Why an apple falls on the ground ? This very question made Newton a great Scientist. Otherwise there would be no Newton. The existence of science and philosophy is the outcome of questions. Buddha left home to get the answer of the questions: How to get freedom from suffering? This Question forces you to search for a reply.

It is not the events that shape our lives, that determine how we feel and act, but rather it is the way we interpret and evaluate our life experience. Interpretation and evaluation are based upon questions what we put to our selves. The meaning we attach to an event will determine our attitude.

I began to realize that thinking itself is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions that matter.

Questions represent your mind, your thought process and your level of thinking. Questions come from your situational reactions. Questions are basic. They indicate your thinking. They reflect your mental make up, your programming and your perceptions.

Relationship Between
Questions and Your Success

Know your problem and ask the right question. You will have your own solutions. Sometime, the solution lies in the problem itself. It is not far from the question. It is in the hearts of problems. Questions are the compass, they guide your directions. They give you the purpose of living. They create interest in your lives.

Sometime “Why” of some questions are dis empowering. The answers of these questions depress you and discourage you. Your mind being enormously powerful can find many reasons for your failure or problems. Most of these reasons will continue and justify future failures. In this way vicious circles of failure continue. When you ask why I am unlucky, why God is against me, why the whole world is against me . Then your whole feelings and behaviour will be against success. So you must not ask such negative questions. Questions should not be connected with the past. They should be connected with good actions to do now or in future.